
Clinical Pastoral Education Training

The APBC seeks to produce chaplains who provide a high standard of pastoral care by utilizing the Clinical Pastoral Education method of teaching and integrating the theology, research, context and history of Blacks and minorities into the educational experience. This is done by offering 4 units of CPE, board certification and the offering of supervisor in training certifications.


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Chaplain Board Certification

The APBC seeks to maintain chaplains who provide a high standard of pastoral care by requiring all those who adhere to the APBC to remain committed to the APBC Code of Ethics and the continued pursuit of life-long learning of continued education.

Professional Association Membership

Our community of chaplains provide spiritual care and guidance to our respective institutions of service. While our contexts of ministry are varied (military, hospitals, hospice, police station, etc.), our mission of providing pastoral care and ensuring free practice of the exercise of religion remains our pivotal value. We also share  a common goal and belief of developing ourselves and bettering our crafts by being a part of a professional asssocaition.

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Talk to us

Have any questions? Please reach out to us at 330-356-1177